Friday, November 4, 2011

Gossip Gets You Nowhere

Ok. So the title honestly made me think about the commercials that I saw for Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars. And at the beginning it really was a smidgen irritating. But I'm going to tell you about it , because I did enjoy it once I got into the swing of it.

The Gossip Ghouls by Z
424 page read

This is a fun and interesting read, most likely meant for teens. It looks at a different dynamic and use of Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies. Not only that it throws all three of them into the High School Setting that many of the intended audience would be familiar with.

I enjoyed it's catty and very girly characters that seemed to be fairly web savvy. The way the author used technology to make the story seem relevant was fun.

Honestly, it is a bit much at times. Some of the authors decisions about her characters actions seem a bit harsh. Teenagers getting married for instance. That sent shudders down my spine. But marriage in general is an institution that I am not entirely on friendly terms with at this point in my life.

Some books that are similar in content are the Monster High books. If your reader is a bit younger (say starting between 10 and 13) I would recommend letting them read those mainstream novels first. Gossip Ghouls is good, but it's messages aren't always clear. Not only that it doesn't display the lines between right and wrong clearly. There doesn't seem to be any negative consequences for any-ones actions. The writer even makes it seem as though death is not permanent.

A fun read though, definitely something to add to your eBook stash if you're hording for a rainy day. Just don't expect Anne Rice, think of it as more of a ....fluffy read.

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