Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sometimes Being Different Is an Awesome Thing

When we look back at our childhoods, there are a number of us that look back at that time and feel sick to our stomachs. We remember the way that other kids taunted us for being different, the way their words hurt. But there are other things that being different taught us as we grew, that we were individuals, and that was a strength all in itself.

Bullying is a hot topic in the media currently. This book that I read, examines the results of Bullying, with a bit of magic thrown in.

The League of Freaks and The Secret Key
by Alberto Hazan
529 pages

In this book, Alberto Hazan looks at how kids with differences many kids today have learn to cope. Some are larger than the other kids, a different cultural background, glasses, or just plain different in general. But these kids, learn to cope in very special ways, because their differences give them unique powers that the kids that bully them do not have.

I feel odd trying not to share the plot, but still wanting to go over everything because of how much fun this book was to read.

We start out the story learning about one of the main characters, who is moving with her parents to a new place. Why? because her father got a job at a university. She is far from happy with the move, and when she starts school, she is even unhappier when she's taunted about a pair of shoes her best friend had given her as a goodbye present.

As the story gains momentum, you're offered glimpses at other students that are ill used, and how they react to it. Then comes the fun part, the outsiders become friends, and start out on an adventure all their own. That looks at history, as well as how fact and fiction can relate.

I recommend this book for all age groups, because it isn't heavy in nature, but is effective at getting multiple themes across.

One is that bullies don't always win. Another is that by trusting your friends as well as your own judgement, you become better yourself.

So if you know someone that might be feeling a little down, feel free to recommend this story to them, if they can relate to a character, it may cheer them up more than you realize.

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