Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Winter Romance

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a good romance story, or an erotica now and again. I just hesitate to share them, because someone might get the wrong idea about me.

Now, don't expect a lot of romance or erotica, but I'll try to sneak some in now and then.

Pixies Passion
Mina Carter
41 pages

This fun mini romance novel earns it's own post for a few reasons. As you read what I have to say about it I bet you'll figure some of them out. This piece has a paranormal twist that's different than the vampire, werewolf, wizard line we're accustomed to. Our main 'male' character is a pixie.

Now when we say pixie, it isn't the petite little tricksters we see in fairy tales and art. We're looking at a bad boy biker muscle head looking creature that has a few personal issues. (mind you he's not really a biker, that's the best definition I can think of that you might follow). The authors description of him is delicious, I'm sure that you would enjoy it. (the description to start with anyway).

One thing that stuck with me is what the author calls The Pixie Code. "Might made Right." It's an interesting concept, the idea that if you could fight to get something, and fight to keep it, you could. It added a bit of depth to the story, as there are small snippets that give dreamy insight to the pixies background. (Sympathy Card inserted here)

The story is set in December, with a lot of hints and references to Christmas. (Which is why it's being shared this month, I am trying to be seasonal.) We get a fun description of a fundraiser date auction, a stormy blind date, ideals about family and acceptance. It's a pleasant read.

Rated M for mature, due to sexual content, this is not a book I recommend for reading at work. Some of the Scenarios even made me blush. (And I honestly try to stay as uninterested in romance as I can.) I do not recommend this for teenagers due to the adult content.

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